Teresa Fowler

Teresa Fowler's Fundraiser

We can build a 7-day a week ministry complex image

We can build a 7-day a week ministry complex

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$25 towards $5,000

Join me in supporting real change. High quality education, adequate support and love are the keys to escaping poverty. I want to live in a world where all children not just my own but all have access to this.

Many of you may not know this but I am a Seventh Day Adventist and for a long time I never really knew what that meant so I just didn't share that much with anyone. What I have come to understand is that it is about love, mercy and grace. Grace that has been given to me through Christ. It's about sharing all, big and small, what He has done for me.

Being a part of something bigger than me that gives me something in return just makes me want to share it with others. I love my church and all the amazing things that are happening there that has had such an impact on everyone's life. The church services, small group bible studies and outreach. This has not only changed me but my family as well. My daughter has been exposed to positive and loving people. People she can go to when she is in need other than me. My daughter has also been able to experience Christian education which is molding her into the woman God has called her to be and I'm excited.

I want everyone to be able to experience what I'm experiencing, that is why I am dedicating and committing my time and money towards supporting real change. Committed to building a seven day a week ministry where all can come and feel welcome and loved.

That's why we are building A Place for Grace to give all children a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) high school, recreation facilities, and a plant-based café that will provide job training skills and employment for youth all in a safe Christian environment.

That's why I created a fundraiser to support Grace Community SDA Church for our campaign to build a multi-purpose community center and school. There's a group of us who have created fundraising pages with smaller donation goals to add up to our larger goal for the building!

Help us provide ministry and a pathway out of poverty for our neighbors: spiritually, socially, and physically for A Place for Grace!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Grace Community SDA.